gifts for your best man

5 Clever Ways to Ask Your Best Man

Girls love a cute and thoughtful way to ask our bridesmaids to stand by our side on our wedding day and it’s traditional to purchase groomsmen gifts for the men standing by the groom’s side, but what’s an interesting way for a groom to ask his best man specifically? Most men don’t want to come…

Published: September 25, 2017

Girls love a cute and thoughtful way to ask our bridesmaids to stand by our side on our wedding day and it’s traditional to purchase groomsmen gifts for the men standing by the groom’s side, but what’s an interesting way for a groom to ask his best man specifically? Most men don’t want to come off as too emotional, but what special ways can they use to ask their friends without anyone getting uncomfortable. Here’s a few ideas!

  1. Written Letter: Just write a little something about how important the friendship, how much it would mean to have him by your side, and voila! Best man locked in. (Image Credit)

    how to ask your best man
  2. Personalized Beer Bottle: A more creative method, but one that will make any man guffaw and give a big hearty Yes. (Image Credit)

    gifts for your best man
  3. Bow Tie: Gifting a bow tie with a note explaining it’s to be worn at the wedding as best man is a clever way of both asking & getting your buddy in uniform in one fell swoop. (Image Credit)

    gifts for your best man
  4. Order Him a Pizza: Ask to have “Be My Best Man?” written on the inside of the box, just make sure they know who sent it! (Image Credit)

    how to ask your best man
  5. Best Man Ball Cap: This is a super casual way of asking him to dress up big to stand at the altar. And odds are he’ll love wearing it during the reception. (Image Credit)

    how to ask your best man