DIY Postcard Anniversary Gift By The Yes Girls3

DIY Postcards for Romantic Anniversary Gift

This week we are helping plan a surprise wedding anniversary! SOOO excited! She is surprising her husband with a trip back to his favorite restaurant where they dined during honeymoon. To top it off there will be basket of goodies filled with inside jokes and gifts that represent places they visited during their honeymoon (can’t…

Published: October 15, 2013

This week we are helping plan a surprise wedding anniversary! SOOO excited! She is surprising her husband with a trip back to his favorite restaurant where they dined during honeymoon. To top it off there will be basket of goodies filled with inside jokes and gifts that represent places they visited during their honeymoon (can’t get too detailed before it happens). Instead of just the standard photo, I took their scenic honeymoon photos and turned them into postcards. It’s thoughtful, personal and a feasible DIY gift!

DIY Postcard Anniversary Gift By The Yes Girls

DIY Postcard Anniversary Gift By The Yes Girls3


30 Minute Postcard DIY for Wedding Anniversary:

1. Grab a postcard stamp and black ink pad.

2. Download the font “Vacation” for the iconic postcard font.

3. Type the destination/city onto your photo (the design is the most time consuming part).

4. Print onto matte photo/card stock paper. Cut photo to size (recommend using a paper cutter).

5. Stamp the back with your postcard layout and voila!

DIY Postcard Anniversary Gift By The Yes Girls 2

Photos from The Yes Girls iPad ;)