
Discrete Engagement Ring Box

Not going to lie, I’m kind of kicking myself for not thinking of this earlier. Sometimes it’s the things right in front of us that we just miss and this is one of them. Clifton came up with this new idea- forgo the bulky ring box and keep it hidden with a flat, wallet-sized box!…

Published: September 16, 2014

Not going to lie, I’m kind of kicking myself for not thinking of this earlier. Sometimes it’s the things right in front of us that we just miss and this is one of them. Clifton came up with this new idea- forgo the bulky ring box and keep it hidden with a flat, wallet-sized box! Genius!

clifton box on the yes girls
clifton box on the yes girls

Not only will a flat ring box keep it discrete in your pocket the day of the proposal but if you have a snoopy girlfriend she will be less likely to find it since it’s not a traditional ring box.

clifton box on the yes girls

The Clifton engagement ring boxes start at $99 which you can purchase here. FYI, make sure to buy early because it seems like it’s a hot commodity and sometimes they are out of stock.

Photos courtesy of Distractify